Dr. Ivory has completed a 1-on-1 vetting process with Dr. Cliff himself to verify he follows Best Practices in patient care.
As an independent Private Practice Audiologist, Dr. Ivory will hand pick the best hearing aid technology for your needs.
Dr. Ivory is consistently the most highly rated audiologist in the area for a reason. You're in great hands with our team!
Choosing an Audiologist that follows best practices (like Dr. Cliff does at his clinic) is key to a life transforming hearing care experience.
Treating hearing loss is complex and requires a provider who will invest the time and resources in your optimal hearing results.
Dr. Ivory is one of less than 30% of hearing care providers that follows best practices and routinely uses Real-Ear Measures when programming hearing aids and never “guesses” the prescription. Choosing a Dr. Cliff approved provider ensures you will receive hearing care that includes Best Practices.
Dr. Kevin H. Ivory is proud to be a Dr. Cliff Approved Provider, providing top quality audiological care to patients in La Cañada, CA. The providers in the Dr. Cliff AuD Approved Provider Network have committed to following the Dr. Cliff AuD Best Practice Checklists as well as several additional criteria to ensure the best interests of individuals with hearing impairment are being taken into account. Learn more about the network at HearingUp.com
Book a consultation with Dr. Kevin Ivory to start hearing better today.